Willam Shakespeare once said "Things won are done, joy's soul lies in the doing" , We have won but not done yet, miles to go further, milestones left to cover, to spread the glory and fame of a man who won millions of hearts, across linguistic boundaries, without a word being said but with a charming smile and face that turns out to be a sea of emotions.
A dedication to the living legend from the loving fans, we present to the world The Complete Actor - Mohanlal.
An actor beyond boundaries, Mohanlal has been lauded by critics and masses alike, Having championed the cause of meaningful and entertaining movies throughout the eventful career of three decades, it was not a bed of roses for him. Breaking into the world of glamour and fame as an anti-hero, Lal's rise to the Numero Uno position of Malayalam film industry is unmatchable. The growth was rock steady and thoroughly deserved; through a series of characters that he has immortalized Lal ensured a place in the hearts of his audience.